What Does a Boss Look For In An Employee Before Giving Them a Promotion?

What Does a Boss Look For In An Employee Before Giving Them a Promotion?

   When there is a vacancy in the organization, a boss would like to fill the vacancy with the existing employee by giving the promotion. Finding the right person for the right job is always a challenging task for a job. Hence it is really a win-win situation for both the employee and the boss if he could provide promotion to fill up the existing vacancy. But sometimes it is not possible to fit the existing employee in the vacancy due to the non-availability of skilled employee.
As a boss , before giving an employee a promotion, he looks for certain qualities in that employee. Some of the qualities he looks for are as follows:

Desired Skill

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Before giving an employee the promotion, a boss looks whether the employee has the deserving skill and knowledge to fit in the vacancy position. Whether after giving the promotion to that employee, he could able to provide the productivity the organization is looking for. The boss also looks whether the employee has the requisite qualification and skill set to perform his duties if he has given the promotion.
The employee should have proper experience and required skill set otherwise if he is placed in the upper position he will not be able to handle the things properly and the boss have to suffer a lot.

His Past Performance

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A boss also looks the past performance of the employee before considering the employee for the promotion. He checks the performance level of the employee during the period of time he is working in the organization. He looks whether the employee has performed his task sincerely or not in past or whether he is maintaining his performance level at par with the organization over a period of time.
If the past performance of the employee is not good and if he has given promotion, he might not perform his duties sincerely. Moreover giving a person promotion with bad performance record will demoralize the other employees of the organization. Hence it is very important for a boss to look into this point before giving an employee a promotion.

Positive Attitude

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A boss also looks at the attitude of the employee if the employee has a positive attitude, he can boost his team with spirit and enthusiasm otherwise not. Attitude is contagious, if the employee has a positive attitude; it is not only beneficial for the boss but also to the people who are working with him. Positive attitude brings positive energy within the person himself and it radiates to other. Hence, a boss always looks the attitude of the employee towards the organization before considering him for the promotion. The person who doesn’t have a positive attitude he will not only tell bad things about his subordinates or colleagues as well as for boss too. The person who doesn’t have a positive attitude can never boost positive spirit within the organization.

Organization Skill

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A boss also looks whether the employee has the organization skill or not. The employee should not only be able to organize work but also have the capability to organize thought, People and time. Being organized means an employee is an efficient and productive in his work and that a boss always looks in an employee.
There are many other aspects as well as to look into in an employee such as his personality, behaviors as well as communication skill. As a boss, he should also look into his employee is trustworthy or not. An employee my have all the requisite qualification, experience and desired skill set but if cannot be trusted she should never be given any promotion in the organization. It might ruin the boss as well as the organization.


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