
Showing posts from August, 2017

Self-Employment for Success 101: Knowing the Wonderful Benefits of Being a Self-Employed Individual

Self-Employment for Success 101: Knowing the Wonderful Benefits of Being a Self-Employed Individual              There are instances when people who want to earn a decent living but don’t want to work for other people telling them exactly what to do. In fact, a lot of people who feel like this tend to follow their own path and decide to become self-employed individuals. In its simplest definition, someone who is self-employed means that they are doing a legitimate business independently and using their own capital or funds in order to ensure that they are able to earn a living with the kind of ventures they are doing.      Some people might often confuse self-employment with freelancing considering both career options share some similarities, but the defining element that separates self-employment from freelancing is that the former is largely self-reliant while the latter depends primarily on the whims or desires of third-party employers. And people who

What Does a Boss Look For In An Employee Before Giving Them a Promotion?

What Does a Boss Look For In An Employee Before Giving Them a Promotion?    When there is a vacancy in the organization, a boss would like to fill the vacancy with the existing employee by giving the promotion. Finding the right person for the right job is always a challenging task for a job. Hence it is really a win-win situation for both the employee and the boss if he could provide promotion to fill up the existing vacancy. But sometimes it is not possible to fit the existing employee in the vacancy due to the non-availability of skilled employee.      As a boss , before giving an employee a promotion, he looks for certain qualities in that employee. Some of the qualities he looks for are as follows: Desired Skill         Before giving an employee the promotion, a boss looks whether the employee has the deserving skill and knowledge to fit in the vacancy position. Whether after giving the promotion to that employee, he

Key Questions You Should Consider Before Hiring a Freelancer For a Business Project

Key Questions You Should Consider Before Hiring a Freelancer For a Business Project    There are cases when businesses will sometimes rely on external support to help them with certain projects that their full-time employed staff are unable to execute by themselves. Although not all companies adopt the practice of working with freelancers , it’s still something that is common enough to be recognized by both freelancers and the employers who choose to hire them. And on the side of employers, the issue with hiring freelancers for special business projects can be particularly tricky to navigate.      Dealing with freelancers can be a bit complicated considering that they aren’t beholden to any fixed employment contracts, and thus, they tend to operate on different levels compared to employees who hold full-time jobs. Because of this, employers who don’t have any experience in working with freelance workers tend to be wary of them because they’re

Time Management Techniques for a Working Mother

Time Management Techniques for a Working Mother    The power of “Staying organized” is something only which working moms can understand.  With kids, nothing works out and they have their own strategy of making things messy. In this regard, women can still work at her own pace with getting insane if there is a list to do.      Here are some more tips for these multi-tasking masters to outperform in their every task especially with peace of mind. Make Use of Technology         It is in the mobile itself one can use the calendars and tools to make a note of every task that hits your mind. When you stay organized by making a note of the activities which you need to do for you kid, house, and spouse in your free time. Once you reach home you will get an idea about where to start from and how to end in the stipulated time. Prioritize and Organize things         You will be worthy and safe only when you do thin

Danger Zone: Seven Red Flags That You’re Actually Working for a Bad Company

Danger Zone: Seven Red Flags That You’re Actually Working for a Bad Company    Holding down a steady job can be really tough for anyone, and the stress that one can get from maintaining a demanding career could prove to be the undoing of even the most dedicated and hardworking individuals out there. In fact, there are plenty of cautionary tales out there from working professionals warning their peers to stay away from certain companies because they are not ideal places to work for. It’s easy to dismiss such stories at the start, but have you ever stopped to think that there might be a reason behind them?      When you think about it, people don’t just voice out their misgivings towards a certain business or company unless they have firsthand experience on what it’s really like to work for that particular establishment. The key thing that you need to remember here is that while no job is ever perfect, there is such a thing as working for a bad